Hello! We're back after a bit of a hiatus. Here's why I haven't posted in a while: Sunday: Olympics parade. I went, but after totally embarrassing myself on the news it started raining, so I came right home without playing. Monday and Tuesday: Went out briefly, slow, nothing happened. Wednesday: baked the cake which was the price of my piano hat, then went to Glasgow. Thursday: pouring rain. So I went out today hoping to make some money, of which I have very little.
It was busy, but slow. Sunny, but cold. Both levitaters were out, which wiped out that whole vicinity. A couple of others. I planned on using my new usual pitch at McGregor's, but the sun looked so nice shining on my former regular spot at the city chambers, so Todd encouraged me to play there anyway even though that one police officer doesn't want me to. And so I did.
But, it was super slow. I made it as far as "Ca Gaze" (that's thirteen songs, I think) without getting a tip. Finally, my non-busker friend Cammie (Cameron) suggested I come out from the alcove. I like being in the alcove, because the acoustics are good, I'm elevated, and it's sort of mysterious that people can hear me before they see me, but he did have a point. People seeing me is quite important. So I did; I set up instead on the stood right in front of it, where I could see people approaching. Made a world of difference. There we go.
It was still a pretty slow day, but the sun warmed me up when it was out, which was good. Otherwise, I had to break out the gloves and try to get used to them again. Winter is coming!
Friday, 21 September, 2012 (Palindrome: 21/9/12!)
i. From Monday and Tuesday: there was one really annoying American woman with a camera. She kept commenting on me and snapping photos, but no tip. So when I switched locations and she came back, I made a big deal of looking away or looking down while frowning, and she got right in there and tried to get my face in her shots anyway. Come on, take the hint!
ii. I met a man named Jason who just started busking because his house burnt down and he needs the money. It's quite sad; his guitar case is charred. This man has a regular gig playing piano at the Henderson's Cafe in the church on Friday nights. He mentioned having a facebook relationship with Johnny Depp, and he was going to get us in touch. Apparently he posted a photo of a coffee table with a cool alive-looking chunk of wood, and Johnny sent one back. Cool!
1. A man dropped a tip and said, "You've mastered the hardest part: smiling at people!" Glad to see he noticed! My face was hurting today from smiling.
2. I was proposed marriage by a foreigner who picked up on my visa expiration. Nice!
3. Flaca was set up again, after a long vacation, and one lady complimented her! No kid action, though. However, during a break where Stickman blasted his music, I was playing with Flaca and some kids noticed and pointed her out to their parents. Pretty disappointing; I can't do anything with her!
4. A dad walked by pushing a stroller as I played "The Final Countdown." He cheerfully and sarcastically thanked me for "earworming" him. I wasn't sure what that meant, but he followed it up with, "That'll be stuck in my head all day!"
5. An older man walked by and stopped in the middle of Tico Tico. I thought he might be Brazilian, and I tried to play it well. After, though, he asked in a Scottish accent if I know any Scottish songs. I told him my catalog: Flower of Scotland, the Skye Boat Song, and maybe Highland Cathedral. He seemed excited by these prospects, but tried to remember the name of his true favorite. He said he'd find me tomorrow with the title of this song. I won't know it anyway! Too bad he didn't want me to wing Highland Cathedral, that would have been fun.
6. A woman stopped halfway through The Godfather. She said, "That's nice, but it's morbid! Play some Zydeco!" I told her I didn't know any, but then improvised something from the Putumayo Zydeco CD. I think the accordion solo in "You're No Good for Me." Funny how something sounds like Zydeco when it's hard to explain what really makes it Zydeco. I told her I'll learn some Zydeco this winter, and definitely learn it before I go to New Orleans. She reminded me that I'll learn it once I'm there! I guess I should go, then.
7. I mentioned a songwriter who had written a song for Scottish independence. He was back today, and we discussed it further. It turns out there is a march tomorrow for Scottish independence. We thought that I could play it and he could sing. However, that won't happen since I haven't had time to practice it and it's directly in the middle of the market times. He came back later with the music for me, though, in an envelope covered in really nice handwriting. The song is called "Saltire." I shall learn it then put it on Youtube and be part of the revolution!
8. Unsuccessful joke: a pizza delivery guy walked past and peered down the walkway to the city chambers before reaching for his mobile. I shouted out, "I think those are all supposed to be for me! The folks inside will pay, though." He did NOT know how to react.
9. I finally saw my mystery man!!! Check out the post from Friday the 13th (of July) when a "mystery man" gave me a super nice note that totally made my day, and then some. Well, I hadn't seen him since. I wondered when I would, and I tricked myself into thinking my new friend Cammie was him for a while. Then finally, I glanced over and there he was, back to the arches, finishing up a phone call. I of course got really nervous, and rearranged my set list to play songs I know well since I'd probably mess up harder ones. I was sure we would talk, and I could say what I planned to say months ago (and said to a confused Cammie instead). But then he just walked by, smiled, dropped a coin, and kept going. Come on! I hope to see him once more before I leave. Glad he's not imaginary, though.
10. A gregarious young man said to his [dad], "And she's cute, too!" Aw, thanks. I asked for requests, and he said Beatles. So I played "I've Just Seen a Face," and he sang along. Nice voice! It turns out he's from Hollywood, and he plays in a band that just got a record deal. Awesome. His name's Hunter, look out for him.
And then it started raining, something I did not expect. I played "Singin' in the Rain" a couple times, and one man noticed! There was also a double rainbow which was quite subtle due to it being dusk. No one else seemed to notice it.
Now, time to have a big Saturday, then get to work on the latest Flaca plan. Will keep you posted. Leaving Edinburgh v. soon to go traveling, then hooooome to be an elf!
Till next time.
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