Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Heidel Heidel - berg berg berg

Yesterday was another beautiful day!  My plan was to take the train from Munich to Heidelberg, fahrt around for a few hours, then continue to Bonn.  But when I was shoving my stuff into a luggage locker at the station I decided to bring my accordion along.  Smaller cities probably have fewer regularions, right?  We did our sightseeing pretty quickly.  Squeezebox staed in the custody of building employees while I cimbed the church tower and castle.  I made hilarious jokes about it usually behaving itself that were met when tepid laughter.  The town seemed to be full of rich tourists!  (Rich=multiple ice cream scoops.)  Our train to Bonn wasn't until 18:20, so we had plenty of time to find fame and fortune.

Sunday, May 20, 2012
 We set up between two little plazas against a building.  It would have been a great spot.  But two songs in (the new set-opener "Call Me" and the old set-opened "Vals de Libunca" to which a man waltzed), a nice lady came over and said I couldn't play there.  The police would come!  Not in this square or that square.  But I was between the two!!  She said that there was oen corner in the Universitatplatz where one could busk where the sign was.  Sure enough, I found the sign, which explained the rules in German, English, and illustrations.  I chose to read the latter, of course.  It depicted that you could play the notes B, G, and D in a strange rhythm, do drama (changing faces), or juggle ONLY CLUBS.  You could not play drums or use a boombox.  Verboten, that's one word I have learned.  The problem was that there was a beggar on that corner.  I didn't want to be an total ausfahrt and play right next to him, so i took a psot a little ways away, not really in the platz, but oh well.  Another beggar set up right across from me later.  i can't imagine my rpesence heled his business, strange choice of spots for him.

It was quite hot out, 28 degrees, and this spot was in the direct sun.  I admired the corner across the street that was identical to mine except in the shade.  Unfortnately it as in front of a shop selling Christmas decorations, so I didn't think they'd like my January-Novemebr repertoire.  Luckily, after the previous day I had thought to bring sunscreen, but I was literally dripping with seat.  I'd catch my reflection in passing buses and it was not a nice sight.  I had to keep wiping my hands on my dress to be able to get enough traction.  I hadn't had a day like that in a while!  Anyway, it wasn't great.  The temerature was obviouslz uncomfortable, I wasn't playing well, and folks weren't tipping.  As you know, I#ve been thinking about what I can put on a sign to suggest that people who take photos tip withou sounding totally rude, and I decided in Heidelberg that a simple "(camera picture) + (image of currencies crossed out) = (sad face)" shold do the trick.    Oh, and the kazoo stopped working.  It's a little off pitch, won't do high notes, and has a strange delay.  And it kept falling out of my mouth too!

There is not a lot to report.  One girl played with Flaca.  The most interesting interaction was with an old man.  He liked my "klavier" dress and aksed if you can get it in a shop. Nein!  I adjusted my tambourine and he enthusiastically asked, "Vas ist das?" just like my dad says when he's being silly.  I couldn't bear the heat and the feeble tips weren't worth my time, so i went to go jump in the river (I didn't but that would have been great).  I vowed that in Bonn, Cologne, and Dusseldorf I would stick to songs I know and play them well!  At the end of the day, sounding good is actually important.

I did not play in Bonn, but two productive things occurred there:
1. I saw a flute player wth foot percussion.  I looked closely and saw that he had to standard cymbals around his feet, about 4-5 inches in diameter.  One was strapped to his left toe, the second to his right heel, so he did this shuffle to keep a standard beat.  They didn't fall off!  I'll have to find some.

2. I bought some new supplies!  I found a music shop and bought a "deluxe" metal kazoo that comes with extra membranes that you can easily install!  I will have to blow harder, but there is a better range on it.  Also, I asked the man about ankle percussion, and he actually had bells that strap around an ankle.  They were very nice, little brass bells on a leather thing.  Expensive!  Also thee was a plastic bracelet with four big bells.  Cheaper, and louder, so I went with that.  Excited to try this stuff out!

Also, I´ve decided to order more piano fabric and make a new dress (actually using a pattern this time) that covers my shoulders!  Too much sun!


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