2:00 AM. It's safe to stay this post will have more typos than usual, since I was out experiencing some Scottish culture tonight (read: whiskey and beer). But my rule still remains that I can't go to bed without posting on days that I busk, because I'll forget everything! This will be a quick post though.
I took a much-needed day and a half off, which made such a difference today. When I finally went out, around 6:00 pm today, I was playing much better than I have been. I practiced a dialogue in which the vendors who hear my sucking all the time ask, "Have you been practicing?" and I say, "No, I've been doing just the opposite!" Taking a break can work wonders.
It was pretty clear today, but of course it was beginning to rain again right as I set out. But it was okay, because it meant I got my spot. Scott was doing a show, but that was it. Played for a freeeeezing cold hour and a half or so, then headed to the July Uke Boogie! Wahoo!
One of my projects yesterday was writing out a new set list, to more appropriately show the songs I actually play, and to switch the order for my own sanity. This was a good call, not knowing what song came next made the session less predictable and therefore more interesting. Will have to fine-tune the new order though.
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
1. Right away I saw Stephen, a man who walks around with a drum to whom I often talk. He told me a random tidbit about happiness being a choice. He had recently read a thing about people on their deathbeds, and a high percentage of them discussed their realization of happiness being a choice, and proclaimed that they wished they had chosen to be happy in life. Totally random, but it is such an important message.
2. A man carrying a toddler boy came over. The boy grinned and immediately started clapping "along" with my music. They left and came back, and when they returned he closed one eye and just pointed at me. So of course I had to do the same. He refused a shaker, but enthusiastically waved as they left again. So cute!
3. Three people stopped by, and the guy asked, "Do you know Paul Gelineau?" I certainly do! He is a fellow Northampton busker, from the Coyote Choir. Apparently this guy, Dan, had mentioned to Paul that he was going to Edinburgh and Paul had told him to look for me. I had really just started, and I almost hadn't come out at all. Well played, universe!
4. A family stopped and a woman commented on one of my signs, saying it won her over. I'm not sure which, but I think S's S' S. Then the daughter, who was at least thirteen, helped herself to shakers and joined me for a number.
5. I've been thinking that I really ought to learn "Singin' in the Rain," since more often than not I'm playin' in the rain. I think people would like that. Or just other weather themed songs.
6. While I was playing "Paint it Black" a businessman-type stopped and held his cell phone in my direction. Nice.
7. I've been planning to learn a John Williams medley, including the theme to Harry Potter, which will be relevant in Scotland. Today a little boy walked by with a HP shirt so I winged it, but he didn't notice. Oh well.
8. Then....so awesome. I was playing and I hear a voice say, "Sophie.....CRAFTS???" I didn't recognize the person who said it immediately. That is because he was fourteen when I last saw him, and his more recognizable sister was more bundled up. It was an Amherst family, Carolina and Ryan Degroot and their parents, on holiday in Edinburgh. The kids had done musical and theatrical stuff in high school as well, so naturally we interacted quite a bit. And at least one of them had my dad as a teacher. Love it.
That's all! Time for bed; hopefully I'll get a nice long session in tomorrow! Goodnight!
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